miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2007

Technophobia vs. Technophilia
By: Alejandra Moya.

Technophobia is when people are afraid of modern technology. It is the opponent of technophilia because a technophile person loves technology and he or she is getting technology and knowing about that day by day.
There are many people that are afraid of modern technology. This people do not want to know nothing about technology and they do not know how to use it. And in the other hand we have technophile people that know a lot about technology and they have all the new styles of objects and technologic things or technological innovations.
In other words, technophilia is in simple words when a person feels a strong enthusiasm or he or she is exiting for technology, and they want especially new technology like the most modern cell phones, the newest computers, the newest TVs, internet and other things like that. “The idea of technophilia, used occasionally in the critical theory of society, describes the new forms of enthusiasm for new technologies and technological innovations.”
Technophobia and technophilia are the two best forms to compare people and technology. Now a days, technology is very advanced and it is growing up faster day by day, and is interesting to thing that there are people that are afraid by it. Some technophobic people are against technology because they believe that it is against God and for other religious convictions. The technophile believe that technology is positive at all and that it benefits the entire world seeing it as a means to potentially improve life and combat social problems.

5 comentarios:

teacher visoba dijo...

ale relly this topic is very confuse but i tried understand is very popular

Karol Martinez Mena dijo...

This is very common specialy in ederly people feel affraid, because many years ago don't exist this advantage.

But this is so difficul nowaday because the technology is grow up very fast and is very necesary to know about computers, how to use the cell phones and others necesary advantage.

Jocelyn dijo...

I never hear people do not like the technology, because really is so necessary nowdays ,so useful, each time the world is changing and the people need to , for that reason must be in the high technology .fina

Deykelincita dijo...

Hi!!! Ale about your topic I want to tell you that for me is very popular because it is happened now in our country, with this information you help me to understand the difference between those concepts. Although some people agree or disagree with the technology with the years as we Know it is going to increase day by day.
Thaks to show me something new!!!!
bye friend!!! Take care!!

Marisol M dijo...

Ale your topic is very interesting, because there many people who feel affraid to use new technology as me, but nowadays is neccesary to know about it.